I live outside the region, so I’m unaware of rumous regarding the celebration. As Acebone writes, theres a good chance, the team will be celebrated in Herning/Ikast after the game.
To keep informed, I recommend following FC Midtjylland on site, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. In danish, but google translate is helpfull.
The local newspaper is
http://aoh.dk/emne/sport Mostly paid content, but it will give you an idea on the local events regarding the club.
You should be aware, that theres a ”risk” of sold out matches from now on. Tickets available 14 days before the match. You might want to write the club (Birgitte Klausen), and tell her that you are driving from the Netherlands. I don’t know if it’s possible to get her to reserve a couple of tickets, but its worth a shot.