Matthew Benham

Our Forum in English
Indlæg: 880
Tilmeldt: 7. mar 2011, 00:18

Re: Matthew Benham

Indlæg af DenStolteJyde »

I thought i would be fun to be able to read and write at your forum, but it is almost impossible if you're not a fan of Brentford.. That random question is quite tough.. I tried to use google but that didn't bring me very far..

So please tell me the name of one of your stands..

Indlæg: 1521
Tilmeldt: 28. feb 2009, 01:04

Re: Matthew Benham

Indlæg af Noe »

DenStolteJyde skrev:I thought i would be fun to be able to read and write at your forum, but it is almost impossible if you're not a fan of Brentford.. That random question is quite tough.. I tried to use google but that didn't bring me very far..

So please tell me the name of one of your stands..
Try "Bill Axbey Stand" or "New Road".

Indlæg: 4243
Tilmeldt: 28. feb 2009, 01:04

Re: Matthew Benham

Indlæg af Ravnen »

When Mr. Benham has spent 400 million kroner on Brentford, then I hope he at least will spend a few hundred millions on FCM....! ;) :mrgreen: 8-)

After the change of ownership, the club announced a season target for the top 3, which would be unrealistic without investments in the squad. Our squad needs more width, experienced players, if the goal is the top 3 :!:

So right now I wait for Benhams millions to work so we can get some reinforcements. I think our coach Glen Riddersholm also like to see some action behind all the big words ;)

Welcome to Mr Benham, it will be very exciting to follow :D
